<오그리마 어른이집> decided to take up RP'ing and their officers haven't been able to break character long enough to update their guild profile.
Guild Master: 킴왕짱
Officers: 건드리면숨는다, 국희땅콩센드, 노슈즈, 노퓨리, 달동죽기, 달동흑마, 몸찐빵, 몽찐빵, 뭄찐빵, 뭉찐빵, 민트커피, 불짬뽕꽃게랑, 쉰도레이, 아기상어드루두뚜, 아눅순, 정치유, 첫눈에반했소, 킴왈짤, 킴왐짬, 킴왑짭, 킴왓짯, 폭군의최후, 폭풍간지사제, 퐁포퐁
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
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