<Eternal> got together to earn achievements, but in doing so forgot the greatest achievement of all: updating their Raider.IO profile page.
Guild Master: 팽숑
Officers: Biaz, Letus, Luvsome, Pegi, Smark, Vmark, Xmark, Zmark, 검단동밀렵, 검단동야징, 검단동죽박, 깐족이, 꼬자주겠어, 로즈쏠랄, 보로보로미, 보로보로보로, 샬롯링링, 스캇볼, 우유는딸기우유, 제제드루, 제제언니, 제제흑마, 타락팽숑, 패왕색류오, 패왕색패기, 하드코어리딩, 핫사신