Raider.IO Recruitment System Features
  • Recruitment that is seamless and accessible.
  • Recruit for Raids, PVP, or just Socializing.
  • Find relevant matches quickly and efficiently.
  • Get in touch with prospective Players and Guilds easily!

Find Guilds for Any Activity

The Raider.IO Recruitment System makes it possible to find or recruit for a plethora of activities. We recognize that there is so much more to World of Warcraft than just raiding.

Our Recruitment System supports recruiting for Guild Raiding, Guild PvP, and even for Social spots in Guilds!

Find Matches That Fit Exactly What You're Looking For

With the Raider.IO Recruitment System you have the ability to curate exactly what you are looking for. You can set minimum and maximum requirements for raid progression, item level, and more. You can set strict schedules or allow for a flexible range. You can specify which classes and roles you are looking for, or allow for any players to apply.

Get the results you want quickly and efficiently, without having to spend hours scrolling through hundreds of recruitment posts!

Further Refine Your Search Results

We have included even further ways to refine your recruitment needs with our Advanced Search system with the addition of Tags and Recruitment filters. During the profile building process, you have the option to add up to 3 Tags to help rank your initial search results. Once you enter the Advanced Search system, you can use additional Tags and filter options to curate your search results even further. Players and Guilds with the same Tags will rank higher on your search, and you can even choose to exclude search results that contain certain Tags, and so much more!

Discover Players & Guilds

We want to ensure recruitment is as easy as possible for both Guilds and Players, so we integrated your recruitment profiles throughout the entirety of the Raider.IO site. If a Guild has a public recruitment profile active, a hoverable badge will be visible next to their name on Raid leaderboards across the site.

Our goal is to make recruitment seamless and accessible, not a chore.

Apply, Recruit & Communicate Directly

Gone are the days of having to add BattleTag after BattleTag, hoping a potential recruit logs on, or sending Discord friend requests that sit in pending forever.

With the Raider.IO Recruitment System, you can now apply to Groups and recruit players directly within our Messaging system! These messaging threads act as shared channels between the Player and anyone in the Group's GM, Officer, or Recruiter roles.

Get in touch with prospective Players and Groups easily and quickly. Recruitment doesn't need to be a tedious process!