Stream Widgets
Display real-time raid data on your Live Stream, including data from the best guilds in the Race to World First, or your own guild!
These widgets are powered by Raider.IO Live Tracking and require that the guild is running this in order for the widgets to work. In addition, the guild must have Live Tracking data sharing enabled, which can be found under the "Live Tracking" settings in your guild. Read more »
Displays your best pull % for bosses your guild is fighting along with a total pull count on that boss. This can be configured to automatically update with the bosses you are pulling, or you can target a specific boss if you want to display that directly.
Displays a summary of gear worn on the latest pull from your guild. This will include the item level and tier information, by role or by class.
Watch one or more guilds for new progress activities and display instant alerts on your stream! This can be used to track guilds in the Race to World First, your own guild, or just your rival guilds on your realm!
Displays your guild's progression on a boss by showing the health percent you've reached by attempt. You can add more than one guild to this graph to show a comparison between the guilds.