<slaughterer> decided to take up RP'ing and their officers haven't been able to break character long enough to update their guild profile.
Guild Master: 神丶赵云
Officers: 为谁一念执着, 为谁念念不忘, 为谁意乱情迷, 为谁沉鱼落雁, 云梦闲情, 云海之上, 云海之下, 云顶之巅, 伊人笑醉长安, 伽菈德瑞爾, 凛冬至, 半暖慯情未央, 我都觉得恐怖, 方大锐, 昆仑山下, 普陀山下, 殘風尘缘若梦, 水仙, 水墨, 水幕, 浅绿色, 浅黄色, 浅黑色, 神丶吕布, 神丶貂蟬, 神丶趙雲, 空速星辰, 航海路刘德华, 航海路孙燕姿, 航海路薛之谦, 赵卷卷, 馬小紅, 黑暗壁垒
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