Quick Look |
Guild Master: Maddux Officers: Badassanimal, Badassguy, Bludstorm, Coif, Dndins, Doordashceo, Enhancegodx, Enterworld, Faxb, Guyfromhell, Haakai, Hadkai, Hakitty, Hawkai, Jyerr, Keegers, Laohan, Lifeisdeath, Madducks, Madduxthree, Madduxtwo, Madduxyellow, Maddxx, Mdkx, Mdxp, Mjer, Myerz, Paddux, Pallydins, Reinbow, Reindrop, Reion, Rpwalker, Shiftdins, Sungjinwoó, Tdins, Tdinsdk, Tdinsdkk, Tdinsdkx, Tdinsjr, Tdinsp, Tdinsww, Texasbadass, Tjdk, Tjdp, Tjdx, Tokidoh, Tonyhawkx, Vietnaxx, Voicecrackx, Yarjekmidov |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Maddux Officers: Badassanimal, Badassguy, Bludstorm, Coif, Dndins, Doordashceo, Enhancegodx, Enterworld, Faxb, Guyfromhell, Haakai, Hadkai, Hakitty, Hawkai, Jyerr, Keegers, Laohan, Lifeisdeath, Madducks, Madduxthree, Madduxtwo, Madduxyellow, Maddxx, Mdkx, Mdxp, Mjer, Myerz, Paddux, Pallydins, Reinbow, Reindrop, Reion, Rpwalker, Shiftdins, Sungjinwoó, Tdins, Tdinsdk, Tdinsdkk, Tdinsdkx, Tdinsjr, Tdinsp, Tdinsww, Texasbadass, Tjdk, Tjdp, Tjdx, Tokidoh, Tonyhawkx, Vietnaxx, Voicecrackx, Yarjekmidov |
Raid Progression
Dragon Soul | Progress | World | Region | Realm | |
Heroic 25 | 8/8 H25 | 38 | 17 | 8 | |
Heroic 10 | 8/8 H10 | 107 | 29 | 10 | |
Normal 25 | 3/8 N25 | 760 | 392 | 71 | |
Normal 10 | 5/8 N10 | 3,039 | 1,392 | 223 |
Firelands | Progress | World | Region | Realm | |
Heroic 25 | 7/7 H25 | 16 | 7 | 4 | |
Heroic 10 | 7/7 H10 | 17 | 6 | 3 | |
Normal 25 | 7/7 N25 | 328 | 178 | 21 | |
Normal 10 | 1/7 N10 | 4,602 | 2,093 | 328 |
The Bastion of Twilight | Progress | World | Region | Realm | |
Heroic 25 | 5/5 H25 | 29 | 13 | 7 | |
Heroic 10 | 5/5 H10 | 186 | 42 | 12 | |
Normal 25 | 1/5 N25 | 2,385 | 1,080 | 204 | |
Normal 10 | 4/5 N10 | 2,288 | 1,009 | 173 |