Quick Look |
Guild Master: Roguepaladin Officers: Gankaskhan, Gypsydanger, Lekkia, Lilkia, Omnoms, Rawrimabear, Threadghoul |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Roguepaladin Officers: Gankaskhan, Gypsydanger, Lekkia, Lilkia, Omnoms, Rawrimabear, Threadghoul |
Raid Progression
Firelands | Progress | World | Region | Realm | |
Heroic 10 | 6/7 H10 | 3,190 | 1,284 | 105 | |
Normal 25 | 2/7 N25 | 922 | 465 | 35 | |
Normal 10 | 7/7 N10 | 539 | 271 | 27 |
The Bastion of Twilight | Progress | World | Region | Realm | |
Heroic 25 | 2/5 H25 | 1,464 | 608 | 40 | |
Heroic 10 | 2/5 H10 | 5,321 | 1,980 | 163 | |
Normal 25 | 4/5 N25 | 558 | 252 | 18 | |
Normal 10 | 4/5 N10 | 4,798 | 2,151 | 205 |
RealmID: 2741
GroupID: 24086
GuildID: 24085