Quick Look |
Guild Master: Phandrango Officers: Abidk, Abidrood, Abihunt, Abilock, Abipali, Abipriest, Abishami, Abiwar, Azraellea, Bearlygruff, Björnagain, Blutfang, Borednow, Boredomg, Boredsun, Boredtoo, Boredwon, Brennend, Buffngruff, Cthuliet, Deelielah, Demondra, Discoghost, Farcemajeur, Frostygruff, Gruffntuff, Heiligesblut, Hepetitus, Hufflegruff, Jenseits, Kalthugg, Leganddairy, Loly, Lolylocks, Lolysmash, Lolytree, Lyrick, Oddlybored, Peacox, Phanshaman, Phantomphan, Raamulous, Reandian, Schattenzahn, Shadowblut, Shadowpuggs, Squeakybaby, Subtlegruff, Supanatroll, Swampdevíl, Titusgluteus, Titusmaximus, Totemicgruff, Tronrock, Unholyloly, Yuntras, Zareannia |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Phandrango Officers: Abidk, Abidrood, Abihunt, Abilock, Abipali, Abipriest, Abishami, Abiwar, Azraellea, Bearlygruff, Björnagain, Blutfang, Borednow, Boredomg, Boredsun, Boredtoo, Boredwon, Brennend, Buffngruff, Cthuliet, Deelielah, Demondra, Discoghost, Farcemajeur, Frostygruff, Gruffntuff, Heiligesblut, Hepetitus, Hufflegruff, Jenseits, Kalthugg, Leganddairy, Loly, Lolylocks, Lolysmash, Lolytree, Lyrick, Oddlybored, Peacox, Phanshaman, Phantomphan, Raamulous, Reandian, Schattenzahn, Shadowblut, Shadowpuggs, Squeakybaby, Subtlegruff, Supanatroll, Swampdevíl, Titusgluteus, Titusmaximus, Totemicgruff, Tronrock, Unholyloly, Yuntras, Zareannia |
Raid Progression
Dragon Soul | Progress | World | Region | Realm | |
Heroic 10 | 1/8 H10 | 2,933 | 1,205 | 229 | |
Normal 25 | 6/8 N25 | 584 | 319 | 64 | |
Normal 10 | 8/8 N10 | 1,235 | 601 | 136 |
Firelands | Progress | World | Region | Realm | |
Heroic 10 | 2/7 H10 | 4,065 | 1,738 | 323 | |
Normal 25 | 7/7 N25 | 326 | 177 | 38 | |
Normal 10 | 7/7 N10 | 575 | 281 | 53 |
The Bastion of Twilight | Progress | World | Region | Realm | |
Heroic 25 | 1/5 H25 | 1,991 | 863 | 126 | |
Heroic 10 | 2/5 H10 | 5,637 | 2,154 | 301 | |
Normal 25 | 4/5 N25 | 1,408 | 733 | 133 | |
Normal 10 | 4/5 N10 | 3,612 | 1,589 | 266 |