Quick Look |
Guild Master: Queuer Officers: Abia, Bbques, Breezzycakes, Breezzyelf, Breezzyland, Dicenträ, Fabreezzy, Fightmílk, Ishblast, Ishbow, Ishdeath, Ishhealz, Ishlock, Ishmane, Ishmay, Ishstab, Ishwar, Ishwrath, Nalaana, Omnin, Qasim, Qualmish, Quante, Quazzier, Quezal, Quizzles, Quotable, Zeldarina |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Queuer Officers: Abia, Bbques, Breezzycakes, Breezzyelf, Breezzyland, Dicenträ, Fabreezzy, Fightmílk, Ishblast, Ishbow, Ishdeath, Ishhealz, Ishlock, Ishmane, Ishmay, Ishstab, Ishwar, Ishwrath, Nalaana, Omnin, Qasim, Qualmish, Quante, Quazzier, Quezal, Quizzles, Quotable, Zeldarina |
Raid Progression
The Bastion of Twilight | Progress | World | Region | Realm | |
Heroic 25 | 1/5 H25 | 1,812 | 752 | 103 | |
Normal 25 | 4/5 N25 | 579 | 273 | 45 | |
Normal 10 | 4/5 N10 | 1,534 | 648 | 118 |
RealmID: 2735
GroupID: 46636
GuildID: 46608